Casis & AISD’s Physical and Health Education Mission Statement
Austin Independent School District’s Physical Education and Health Departments educate students to become lifelong learners of health and wellness by participating in activities that develop behaviors which encourage healthy decision-making, appropriate social skills and lifelong physical fitness in and outside of the educational setting.
Our goal is to produce a physically educated and healthy person who:
- HAS learned skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and physical activity
- KNOWS the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities
- DOES include healthy habits including physical activity in daily life
- IS fit, healthy and ready to learn
- VALUES physical activity and health as they relate to a healthful lifestyle
Work Out for Wellness Time (WOW)
All elementary students are required to participate in TEKS-based, structured physical activity for a minimum of either 30 minutes daily or 135 minutes weekly. On days that students do not have PE, recess becomes a structured physical activity time. During WOW, each grade level will use district-provided equipment and activity guides that focus on skill themes or aerobic games. Students also have the opportunity to participate in many special and district-wide events coordinated by the physical education department, including: Track and Field, Marathon Kids, and 5th grade volleyball. **Note: Because P.E. will be offered daily during the 2022-2023 school year, WOW time will not be required.**