General Guidelines (GKC Legal)
We encourage parents and others to visit Casis and to participate in their children’s learning. We value parent engagement and always want visitors to feel welcome. In order to protect the security of District students and staff, the learning environment and students’ privacy rights, the following guidelines are in place to keep students and staff safe, as well as to minimize interruptions to instruction time.
- Parents may escort their children to school entrances, but are not allowed in the building during morning arrival or afternoon dismissal
- All exterior doors will be locked during the school Visitors will buzz in at the front door.
- Once in the building, visitors should report to the main office to obtain a photo ID badge that should be worn during the entire visit to the campus.
- Staff members are instructed to approach any visitor who doesn’t have an identifying badge and ask them to return to the office to get
- Exterior doors should never be propped
- If approached from the outside of a locked door, staff, students and parents should direct all visitors to the main office.
In specific circumstances involving special, campus-wide or grade level events, when the campus administration determines that an exception to the verification requirement is necessary to expedite visitor check-in, visitors may be allowed to report to the main office, receive a generic visitor badge and proceed directly to the location of the event. Visitors shall not be permitted to go to any other portion of the building without school personnel supervision or the appropriate identifying badge.
All volunteers who wish to participate in classroom activities or drive on field trips must complete a background check through Austin Partners in Education, and must sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
Having Lunch
If meeting your child for lunch, please get a visitor’s badge and wait by the cafeteria area at their designated lunch time. Additionally, (1) children must stay in the cafeteria with their class during lunch, (2) bringing non-school age siblings is discouraged, (3) parents may bring lunch(es) for their child(ren) only, and (4) no lunch deliveries or drop-offs are allowed.
During the Day Deliveries
To honor instructional time and limit distractions during the school day, lunches, water bottles, snacks, islands, etc. are not allowed to be dropped off during the school day. If items are brought to the office immediately after dropping your child(ren) off, limited exceptions will be made. In these limited cases, the parent should notify their child(ren)’s teacher(s) of the delivery via email or phone. For these rare circumstances, please check with each teacher regarding their established and preferred method of notification.
Early Dismissal
If picking up your child early, office staff will attempt to contact the student to have the student meet you in the office. If the student cannot be contacted by office staff, parents will obtain a dismissal slip to be given to the teacher. Staff will not release any child without the proper slip. Please plan accordingly and arrive a few minutes early when checking a student out before the regular dismissal time. Children will not be allowed to wait in the office before parents arrive. This minimizes disruption and lag-time in the instructional day of classes.