Austin ISD has approved the 2022 – 2023
Student Code of Conduct, now called the Student Success Guide (SSG). The SSG has been revised and renamed, based on feedback from community stakeholders, teachers, students, parents, administrators, and central office departments. Here’s a link to this updated document: Student Success Guide.
Discipline Guidelines and Procedures
A positive atmosphere is essential to high levels of student achievement. Adherence and reinforcement of our P.R.I.D.E. expectations is vital to this goal. One key component of this atmosphere is the absence of disruptions. Students are expected to exhibit a high level of responsibility in their behavior. Students are expected to:
- Follow teacher directions the first
- Respect property, self, and
- Walk quietly in the
- Be responsible for learning and
- Leave unnecessary personal belongings at
We believe that the consequences of a student’s behavior should be meaningful and consistent with his or her social and emotional development and with the AISD Student Code of Conduct. We conduct assemblies to reinforce school rules and expectations for behavior. In addition, teachers may have their own classroom behavior rules. For individual guidance, behavior contracts setting forth acceptable behavior may be entered into between teacher and student or among teacher, student, and administrator. If student behavior does not improve or is considered severe, a child may be sent to the principal’s office for additional conversations and possible consequences. Should this occur, the child’s parents will be notified, either by the teacher or the school administrator. Parents and students should refer to the AISD Student Code of Conduct for more information on unacceptable behaviors and the consequences for such behaviors.
The term “bullying” includes aggressive behavior or intentional harm-doing which can be physical, verbal, or emotional and is carried out repeatedly over time, and occurs among students in which the student who bullies has more power than the target. The power advantage may be due to age, size, ability, popularity, or other factors that create a power imbalance between the bully and the target. Bullying will not be tolerated at school or school-sponsored events. Students who believe they have been bullied are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to a teacher or administrator, so that appropriate actions can be taken.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a form of disrespect that consists of abusive, unwanted, or unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. This conduct may take the form of spoken words or physical acts. Sexual harassment is against the law and will be reported to school officials. Sexual harassment of students, teachers, and staff will not be tolerated at school or school-sponsored or school- related activities such as field trips or special events where the student is under the control of the school. The school will not tolerate retaliation for reporting sexual harassment, and believes that all students should receive an education in an environment free from any inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature. There is no time limit on making a sexual harassment report, but reporting the problem as soon as possible helps the school investigate for factual information.
Casis is committed to creating a safe, healthy learning environment for all students that encourages respect, dignity, and equality among students. AISD encourages parent and student support in its efforts to address and prevent sexual harassment in the public schools. Students and/or parents are encouraged to discuss their questions or concerns about this area with a teacher, counselor, or principal.
Dress Code
AISD’s student dress code is designed to maintain a safe, respectful and positive learning
environment and to model good citizenship. All clothing should be appropriate to the student’s age, the school setting, and weather conditions. Newly revised guidelines have been adopted, effective the 19 – 20 school year. See ‘Links To Relevant Websites’ page for viewing/printing of the new policy.
Textbook & Library Book Policy
All textbooks and library books are the property of the state of Texas and are loaned to students free of charge. However, students are responsible for lost or damaged books and will be expected to pay for them. Students are urged to take good care of books to avoid an assessment at the end of the year.
Toys and Electronic Devices
Toys, electronic games, and game cards, etc., are not appropriate for school and should be left at home unless approved by your child’s teacher for a school activity. Students are allowed to possess cell phones on campus, but they may not be activated during the instructional day.
Other electronic devices, including MP3 players, Walkmans, iPods, Gameboys, Nintendo DS and PSPs may be within a student’s possession, but they must remain off and out of sight during the school day. If cell phones or other electronic devices interrupt or disturb instruction, the teacher
may confiscate the device and turn it in to the office. Casis is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones and electronic devices.
Birthday Celebrations
Classroom teachers will let you know how birthdays will be celebrated. Cupcakes, other food treats, or celebratory items (i.e. balloons, whistles, etc.) are not allowed in the cafeteria. Serving other food items to a group of students is considered in direct competition with the AISD Food Service department, therefore, is not permitted as well. Casis Elementary also adheres to regulations prohibiting Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) as required by the State of Texas.