Visit AISD's Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Cultural Proficiency and Inclusiveness (CP&I) page for more information.
In Austin ISD and at Casis Elementary, we believe that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is at the heart of equity-centered systems and structures. Our goal is to use and grow our social and emotional skills, while creating brave, respectful, collaborative spaces that support all students, staff, families and communities throughout our district and in our learning community. Throughout the school year, we will teach specific skills-building strategies to our students, in order to develop important character traits, like respect, empathy, compassion, and friendships. Mindfulness strategies and principles will also be a common core of this instruction as well. Administration, Teachers, and Support Staff will all be working with students throughout the school year to develop a strong social/emotional foundation, that includes building a lens of fairness and equity for all, no matter the differences among us.
SEL concept for the month
March is the acronym STEP
Our SEL concept for the month of March is the acronym STEP. These STEPs can help students problem-solve and resolve conflicts.
- S = SAY the problem without blame.
- T = THINK about solutions that are safe and respectful.
- E = EXPLORE consequences.
- P = PICK the best solution.
We continue to provide families with monthly SEL Skill Building resource sheets that offer strategies to reinforce these very important skills outside of school. See March resource sheet here: STEP.
February is Self-Talk
Our SEL concept for the month of February is Self-Talk. Self-Talk is talking to yourself in a quiet voice or in your head. Using self-talk helps you to stay focused and to manage strong feelings. We continue to provide families with monthly SEL Skill Building resource sheets that offer strategies to reinforce these very important skills outside of school. See February resource sheet here: Self-Talk
January is Self-Control.
Our SEL concept for the month of January is Self-Control. Self-Control is the ability to successfully regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations. Families will receive monthly SEL Skill Building resource sheets that will provide strategies to reinforce these very important skills outside of school. See January resource sheet here: Self-Control
November/December is Friend (SEL) and Ally (Equity)
The SEL word for the month of November/December is Friend. A friend is a person you like and enjoy spending time with. You can be a good friend by listening with attention, having empathy, showing compassion, and considering your friend’s perspective.
The Equity word for the month of November/December is Ally. One way to be a good friend is to be an ally. The word ally means to unite. When people unite against a wrong they see in their community, they become allies. There are lots of different ways to be an ally. When an ally sees or hears something unjust, they can: speak up in the moment, get help from a caring adult, talk to the person in private or sometimes walk away.
Following is a resources sheet for the month of November/December that will help support these two important concepts, both at school and at home. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER RESOURCES SHEET
October is Compassion (SEL) and Inclusion (Equity)
The SEL word for the month of October is Compassion. When you have empathy for others, you can say or do many things to show your care and concern. Showing care or concern for others is called compassion.
The Equity word for the month of October is Inclusion. Inclusion makes sure each person at Casis feels welcome to be their authentic selves. Look around your class today and find each person’s strengths. Think about how you can include people in your class and community in a way that honors their truest self.
Following is a resources sheet for the month of October that will help support these two important concepts, both at school and at home. OCTOBER RESOURCES SHEET
September is Empathy (SEL) and Equity
The SEL word for the month of September is Empathy. Empathy is a feeling or understanding of what someone else is feeling. Focusing your attention on a person’s face or body can help you know how they’re feeling. When you have empathy for others, you can say or do many things to show your care or concern.
The Equity word for the month of September is Equity. Equity means that everyone gets what they need. Equality is when everyone gets the same thing. Think about someone that wears glasses. Equality means that everyone has to wear the same glasses. Equity means everyone wears the glasses that are just right for them. Everyone has different needs and circumstances. It’s important to recognize each person’s individual needs and to honor them.
August is Respectful
The SEL & Equity word for the month of August is Respectful. Being respectful means thinking about how others want to be treated and treating them that way. Being respectful helps students learn and it helps teachers teach.
May is a review of ‘Second Step
Our SEL concept for the month of May is a review of ‘Second Step’ skills.
- Use Skills for Learning – Focus Attention, Listen, Be Assertive, & Use Self-Talk
- Exercise Empathy & Compassion
- Use Calm-Down Techniques
- Use Problem-Solving Strategies
These skills are meant to help students to better improve their individual outlook, solve problems, work well with others, and increase their learning.
This year, we have provided teachers and families with monthly SEL Skill Building resource sheets, that have provided strategies to reinforce these very important skills. We hope that all have benefited from these sheets and encourage families to continue to implement these skills in the home.
April is ‘Taking Responsibility’
Our SEL concept for the month of April is ‘Taking Responsibility’. Taking responsibility means admitting when you do something wrong and trying to make amends.
We continue to provide families with monthly SEL Skill Building resource sheets that offer strategies to reinforce these very important skills outside of school. See April resource sheet here: Taking Responsibility.