Casis Attendance Policy
- The tardy bell rings at 7:40am, though students are encouraged to arrive earlier to ensure being on time. If your child arrives to school after 7:40am, they need to be signed in at the office by an adult. Tardiness has an impact on every child in the classroom. When instruction is delayed or interrupted, learning time is lost. In addition, being on time is an important life skill that we hope to teach every Casis student. Being on time demonstrates knowledge of our school rule, “respect for others.”
- The attendance taking time for Casis Elementary is at 9:45am. For safety reasons, your child must be physically present in their classroom when attendance is taken in order for them to be counted as present.
If your child has an appointment or other excusable reason why they are not with their class at the time attendance is taken, documentation of that must be submitted to the Maria Hernandez, attendance specialist, within 3 days in order for the absence to be excused. You may also complete the form- "Report an Absence Note". The District has created this new form for parents to report an absence and upload documentation about their student's absences in one spot.
- Students who arrive late or leave early should be signed in/out in the office by the parent/guardian.
- AISD takes attendance snapshots every four-weeks. Students who have three or more unexcused incidents within the four-week period will receive letters from the District.
- The Casis office will perform attendance check-ups midway through each nine-week grading period. Students who have more than 10% unexcused incidents will receive a letter from the school. Parents of students who receive three letters will be invited to attend the Taking Care of Business class.
If your child is going to be absent, please send an email to or complete "Report an Absence Note".
For more information see district attendance policy