If you would like to order school supplies for the 2022-2023 school year, please go to sproutsupplies.com and use our school code CES004. The deadline to order for next year is July 12, 2022. See the Sprouts flier.
Please use the lists below to shop for your child’s supplies for the 2022-23 school year.
- PreK Supply List
- Kinder Supply List
- First Grade Supply List
- Second Grade Supply List
- Third Grade Supply List
- Fourth Grade Supply List
- Fifth Grade Supply List
If you pre-order school supplies from Sprout, your child’s supplies will be in the classroom when he/she arrives for Open House in August.
1. Order your school supplies. Casis code: CES004
2. Select the appropriate grade pack. Be sure to choose next year’s grade level.
3. Pay with a debit or credit card. You will receive an email confirmation once you purchase your child’s kit.
4. Order deadline is July 12
5. Every kit includes all the exact teacher requested supplies, viewable online.
6. Your kit will be delivered directly to Casis Elementary in August!
Questions? Contact Meg Rein