Campus News

Casis Weekly (2/10/25 - 2/14/25)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! We’re excited to celebrate the 100th Day of School on Monday, February 10. What a milestone in our school year! Spring Conferences are also underway during this month. Grade Level Teams have sent out information about Conference options and scheduling. As we continue our work this school year, there is still much to learn, to do, and to look forward to.

Casis Weekly (1/3/25 - 1/7/25)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Our second Prospective Parent Tour occurred last week and was a great turnout. We also had some great parent conversations in last week’s Administrators’ Coffee Chat. The month of January has just flown by and February is here. We’re also really excited to celebrate the 100th day of school next Monday, February 10.

Casis Weekly (1/27/25 - 1/31/25)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! It was nice to see everyone back from the MLK holiday and our unexpected bad weather day. It was a short, but enjoyable week. This week, we’re looking forward to our Prospective Parent Tour and an Administrative Coffee Chat. As we continue our work together this second semester, there is still much to learn, to do, and to look forward to in 2025.

Casis Weekly (1/21/25 - 1/24/25)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! ‘Math Week’ was a great celebration of learning last week. And we hope that everyone stayed safe and enjoyed the MLK holiday. As we continue our work together this second semester, there is still much to learn, to do, and to look forward to in 2025. We will also continue to focus on student learning growth and enrichment opportunities, as well as on safe and secure practices. Please see important information for the week below. Mr. Tinnon

Casis Weekly (1/13/25 - 1/17/25)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! We’re excited about ‘Math Week’ this week and we have an upcoming holiday (MLK Day). So soon! As we continue our work together this second semester, there is still much to learn, to do, and to look forward to in 2025.

Casis Weekly (1/6/25 - 1/10/25)

Cougar PRIDE Families, This first school week of 2025 will be a great week at Casis! It’s great to see everyone return back from what I hope was an enjoyable and relaxing winter break. As we continue our work together this second semester, there is still much to learn, to do, and to look forward to, as we get 2025 started.

Casis Weekly (12/16/24 - 12/20/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, This last school week of 2024 will be yet another great week at Casis! Our Science Fair last week was a rousing success and highlighted some really great student learning. During the month of December, we have continued to focus on student learning growth and enrichment opportunities, as well as on safe and secure practices. As we finish out this last week before our Winter Break, please know how appreciative we are for such a successful Fall 2024 semester. The positive support and partnership of our parents has been amazing, the joy and tenacity of our students has been inspiring, the hard work and dedication of our staff has been phenomenal, and the unity of our community has been so very uplifting.

Casis Weekly (12/9/24 - 12/13/24)

​​​​​​​Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! The month of December is moving along quickly, as we all await the next upcoming Winter Break. This week will be our annual Science Fair and will highlight some great student learning. There will also be a flurry of other activities that will focus on student learning growth and enrichment opportunities, as well as on safe and secure practices.

Casis Weekly (12/02/24 - 12/06/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Our first ‘Prospective Parent Tour’ was a rousing success, with record attendance by potential new families. I hope that everyone had a restful and enjoyable Fall Break. I, for one, was so very thankful for the week off. December promises to be a month of continued fall semester activities that will quicken the time before the next upcoming Winter Break.

Casis Weekly (11/18/24 - 11/22/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! ‘Book Fair Week’ was a rousing success and so well-supported. Special thanks to our parent volunteers who helped Ms. Ewing throughout the week. And our annual Veterans Day Program was so very special for our school and community. Events like these truly do help to ensure that our school community remains unified, strong, and thriving. And this week, we look forward to our first ‘Prospective Parent Tour’.

Casis Weekly (11/11/24 - 11/15/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! This week, we celebrate Veterans in our annual Veterans Day Ceremony. This is one of my favorite school community events and we hope that many will come to participate in the celebration. And ‘Book Fair Week’ is finally here! Students and Staff will be able to buy some great books, and other items, right on the school campus.

Casis Weekly (11/4/24 - 11/8/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Our school-wide ‘Crazy Hat Day’ on last Thursday was so much fun for everyone. I enjoyed seeing so many creative and interesting hats, as well as adorning a few of my own. And it was just wonderful to see all of our littles in the ‘Early Childhood Character Parade’ that morning too. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and safe Halloween that evening too. We’re happy to announce that ‘Book Fair Week’ is coming to Casis!