Casis Weekly (3/24/25 - 3/28/25)

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Stay In-the-Know: This Week’s Top News You Can’t Miss

  • School Holiday on Monday, March 31st. Enjoy your long weekend!
  • Celebrate Casis is coming up on Saturday, April 5th. Get your tickets below
  • Prospective parent tour tomorrow, March 25th, 9-10am. Spread the word to potential new Casis families
  • Participate in our school-wide plastic bag recycling challenge. More info below

Cougar PRIDE Families,

It’s going to be another great week at Casis! I hope that everyone enjoyed relaxing time with family over the break and are ready to ‘spring back’ into the rest of the school year. Prior to our week off, we enjoyed a lovely ‘Community Picnic’ full of music, a movie, and much family fun. This week is ‘AISD Pride Week’ and our next ‘Prospective Parent Tour’. As we continue our work together this second semester, there is still much to learn, to do, and to look forward to. We will also continue to focus on student learning growth and enrichment opportunities, as well as on safe and secure practices. Please see important information for the week below.

Mr. Tinnon



The week of Monday, March 24 – Friday, March 28, will be ‘Pride Week’ in AISD. Every year, to highlight the district’s commitment to creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all, Austin ISD hosts its own Pride Week. We believe that when students feel safe and can show up as their full selves at school, they’re better able to engage in learning and achieve academically. This year, pride-themed activities will take place outside of instructional time, such as before or after school, during morning meetings, lunch, or advisory periods (secondary). All Pride Week activities will be voluntary for both students and staff. Pride Week district-wide themes will be (1) Monday – All are welcome, (2) Tuesday – Differences are beYOUtiful, (3) Wednesday – I am beYOUtiful, (4) Thursday – Our community is beYOUtiful, and (4) Friday – All the colors [School Spirit Day]. At Casis, we’re excited to participate in this district-recognized week and each grade level team will be sharing their plans for how Pride Week will be celebrated at their grade level. If parents prefer that their child(ren) not participate in the shared activities, please let your teacher know, so that alternative arrangements/activities can be provided. You may also get more district-level information about AISD Pride Week here: AISD Pride Week 2025 Website and AISD Pride Week 2025 FAQs. We’re ‘Casis Cougar Proud’ to celebrate AISD’s Pride Week!


Prospective Parent Tours are great opportunities for families to get to learn about our school culture and programming, as well as take a tour of our new facility and amazing outdoor learning spaces. School Administration and PTA Leadership will lead these adult only tours. We look forward to sharing and showing all of the things that make Casis Elementary such a stellar educational choice for their children. The next tour of this school year will take place on Tuesday, March 25 at 9am – 10amCan’t wait to show these potential new families our amazing school community!


Monday, March 31 will be another School Holiday (Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Day & Eid-al-Fitr). Please mark your calendars and enjoy your day.


Public Health Update – Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. AISD and Ascension have released helpful resources for the most up-to-date information around the recent Measles outbreak throughout Texas. Generally, please be mindful of sanitizing and disinfecting frequently, covering your mouth when coughing, and frequent hand washing. Also, consider current vaccination status and the possibility of exposure. Following are important links for more information: (1) AISD Website (Click on Measles FAQs), (2) DSHS Recent Exposures Information, and (3) Center for Disease Control (CDC) Research. If you have any questions about health guidelines in the school, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Health Room Staff, Natasha Gosek (School Nurse) and Alicia Henry (Clinical Assistant).


Our Pre-K, Kinder, & New Student registration event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 8:30a.m. – 10:00a.m. in the Casis Cafeteria. Please help spread the word to any new incoming families who plan to enroll in the 2025 – 2026 school year. Parents will get to meet the School Administrators and PTA Leadership, as well as receive important information about completing the registration process. Special Note: On this day, there will be some interaction opportunities between PK & K students and PK/K teaching staff, while other new students (1st – 5th) will be taken on a short campus tour. We can’t wait to meet our new up-and-coming Cougar Pride Families!


Casis Elementary is again partnering with our local Lake Austin H.E.B. store and will be collecting plastic bags, beginning Monday, March 3 – Friday, April 4, 2025. This program is meant to teach that we can all have an impact in protecting our treasured Texas land, water, and air for future generations. All participating schools will receive a $150 gift card for an Earth Day (4/22/25) celebration. And the top 3 schools with the highest bag count in the Central Texas Region will win HEB gift cards, ranging from $250 – $500. During the above collection dates, there will be a Recyclable Collection Box at the front entrance of our school. We’re so very proud to partner with our Lake Austin H.E.B. in this worthy effort and hope that many Casis families will participate!


Report Cards for the 3rd 9-Weeks will be available to families in their Parent Portals, beginning Wednesday, April 9, 2025.


The following dates will be designated for STAAR Testing:

  • Tues., Apr. 8 – STAAR Testing (3rd – 5th Reading/Lang. Arts)
    • Wed., Apr. 9 – Make-Up Day
  • Tues., Apr. 15 – STAAR Testing (5th Science)
    • Wed., Apr. 16 – Make-Up Day
  • Tues., Apr. 22 – STAAR Testing (3rd – 5th Math)
    • Wed., Apr. 23 – Make-Up Day

Please mark your calendars for these dates. The campus will be closed on Testing Dates.


AISD’s Special Education, Section 504, and Dyslexia Departments are sponsoring Family Empower Hour Sessions throughout the 2024 – 2025 school year. These one-hour sessions are designed to provide valuable information, resources, and support to families on various topics. These sessions will be recorded and accessible on the AISD Special Education website. We hope that families will avail themselves of these community learning and engagement opportunities throughout this school year.


In Austin ISD and at Casis Elementary, we believe that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is at the heart of equity-centered systems and structures. Our goal is to use and grow our social and emotional skills, while creating brave, respectful, collaborative spaces that support all students, staff, families and communities throughout our district and in our learning community. Throughout the school year, we will teach specific skills-building strategies to our students, in order to develop important character traits, like respect, empathy, compassion, and friendships. Mindfulness strategies and principles will also be a common core of this instruction as well. Administration, Teachers, and Support Staff will all be working with students throughout the school year to develop a strong social/emotional foundation, that includes building a lens of fairness and equity for all, no matter the differences among us.

The SEL word for the month of March is Accountability. Accountability means you are responsible for your own actions. When you make a mistake, it means being honest with yourself and others. You can own your mistake by naming it, apologizing, and making a plan to do better next time. Taking accountability is an important part of living in a community.

The Equity word for the month of March is Belonging. Belonging means you belong to a family, group, neighborhood or school. At Casis, we work hard to make sure everyone feels a sense of belonging. You can help others feel like they belong by honoring their unique identities, welcoming them to your space each morning, and including them during games. How do you feel when you belong? How do you create belonging for others in your community?

Following is a resources sheet for the month of March that will help support these two important concepts, both at school and at home. MARCH RESOURCES SHEET 


March – Women’s History Month

Mon., Mar. 24 – Fri., Mar. 28 – AISD Pride Week

Tues., Mar. 25 – Prospective Parent Tour at 9am – 10am

Mon., Mar. 31 – Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Day & Eid-al-Fitr (School Holiday)

April – Arab American Heritage Month

Tues., Apr. 1 – CAC Meeting at 3:30pm (Community Room)


Please adhere to the guidelines in your particular arrival/dismissal area (Front Circle Drive or North Parking Lot). See Arrival & Dismissal Plan here. We continually ask for your patience and cooperation in exercising safe practices in your area.

Additionally, please see the following reminders/updates:

  • Walkers should use crosswalks at all times.
  • Bikers should park bikes at bike racks and walk bikes through crosswalks.
  • Drivers should ALWAYS be aware of our foot and bike traffic.
  • Drivers should consider TURNING OFF ENGINES when not moving forward.
  • Avoid Parking in the Casis Village, if conducting school business.
    • Front Circle Drive & Hillview are available for parent parking during the day.
    • The North Parking Lot is designated for staff parking only.
  • Vehicles using the North Parking Lot during arrival and dismissal (3rd – 5th) should be aware of all walkers who are using the parking lot crosswalks.
  • Vehicles cued on Northwood for Circle Drive afternoon pick-up should remain in one moving line to avoid double-parking.

Vehicles who need to enter the North Parking Lot for morning/afternoon drop-offs/pick-ups of 3rd – 5th graders may safely by-pass the ‘Circle Drive’ vehicles to enter the parking lot. 

