Lunch Schedule

2023-2024 Classroom Lunch Schedule

*Lunch room visits may begin August 28th. 

**Please note that all campus visitors will be required to provide an acceptable form of ID at the front office before joining their child for lunch. We recommend arriving a few minutes early to do so as the lunch time tends to get pretty busy! Before visiting your child for lunch, please review our Campus Visitor Protocols,

Grade Level Teacher Lunch Period
Early Childhood Special Education Kepple 10:46 – 11:16
Pre-K Hopkins 10:46 – 11:16
Pre-K Sridharan 10:49 – 11:19
Kindergarten McGhee 10:52 - 11:22
Kindergarten Smith 10:55 – 11:25
Kindergarten Moran 10:58 – 11:28
Kindergarten Vienne 11:01 – 11:31
Kindergarten Mendez 11:04 – 11:34
1st Davis 11:07 - 11:37
1st Whitaker 11:10 - 11:40
1st Rieck 11:13 – 11:43
1st Lostracco 11:16 – 11:46
1st Daniel 11:19 – 11:49
2nd Padgett 11:22 – 11:52
2nd Raley 11:25 – 11:55
2nd Garcia 11:28 – 11:58
2nd Maxwell 11:31 – 12:01
3rd Price 11:34 – 12:04
3rd Shelton 11:37 – 12:07
3rd Kurth 11:40 – 12:10
3rd Moncus 11:43 – 12:13
4th Hyles 11:46 – 12:16
4th Wooliver 11:49 – 12:19
4th Hanson 11:52 – 12:22
4th Parker 11:55 – 12:25
4th Nestle 11:58 – 12:28
5th Springer 12:01 - 12:31
5th Alvarez 12:04 – 12:34
5th Old 12:07 – 12:37
5th Batiansil 12:10 - 12:40