Campus News

Casis Weekly (12/9/24 - 12/13/24)

​​​​​​​Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! The month of December is moving along quickly, as we all await the next upcoming Winter Break. This week will be our annual Science Fair and will highlight some great student learning. There will also be a flurry of other activities that will focus on student learning growth and enrichment opportunities, as well as on safe and secure practices.

Casis Weekly (12/02/24 - 12/06/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Our first ‘Prospective Parent Tour’ was a rousing success, with record attendance by potential new families. I hope that everyone had a restful and enjoyable Fall Break. I, for one, was so very thankful for the week off. December promises to be a month of continued fall semester activities that will quicken the time before the next upcoming Winter Break.

Casis Weekly (11/18/24 - 11/22/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! ‘Book Fair Week’ was a rousing success and so well-supported. Special thanks to our parent volunteers who helped Ms. Ewing throughout the week. And our annual Veterans Day Program was so very special for our school and community. Events like these truly do help to ensure that our school community remains unified, strong, and thriving. And this week, we look forward to our first ‘Prospective Parent Tour’.

Casis Weekly (11/11/24 - 11/15/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! This week, we celebrate Veterans in our annual Veterans Day Ceremony. This is one of my favorite school community events and we hope that many will come to participate in the celebration. And ‘Book Fair Week’ is finally here! Students and Staff will be able to buy some great books, and other items, right on the school campus.

Casis Weekly (11/4/24 - 11/8/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Our school-wide ‘Crazy Hat Day’ on last Thursday was so much fun for everyone. I enjoyed seeing so many creative and interesting hats, as well as adorning a few of my own. And it was just wonderful to see all of our littles in the ‘Early Childhood Character Parade’ that morning too. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and safe Halloween that evening too. We’re happy to announce that ‘Book Fair Week’ is coming to Casis!

Casis Weekly (10/28/24 - 11/01/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Last week was an amazing week of carnival activities. The ‘Deep Blue Casis’ carnival was just outstanding and will go down in school history as one of the very best fall events ever!. The On-Line Auction, Student Raffle, Cake Decorating Contest, Parade, and the Carnival itself, were all huge successes and so enjoyable.

Casis Weekly (10/21/24 - 10/25/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! The majority of Parent Conferences have been completed and last week’s Fall Picture Day was a success. We’re so excited that ‘Carnival Week’ is finally here. This highly anticipated annual event will get kicked off with daily raffle ticket sales, a cake decorating contest, and even a Parade. Wow!

Casis Weekly (10/14/24 - 10/18/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! October is here and it’s ‘Casis Carnival Month’! The planning for our ‘Deep Blue Casis’ extravaganza is in full swing and you won’t want to miss it, so everyone should mark their calendars for Friday, October 25. It will be epic! While our Fall Parent Conferences have been occurring, Monday, October 14, is the official conference day for Elementary Schools.

Casis Weekly (10/7/24 - 10/11/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! I hope families enjoyed their 4-day weekend. It was great for our staff to have some work time together before enjoying a well-deserved 3-day weekend as well. October is here and it’s ‘Casis Carnival Month’! The planning for our ‘Deep Blue Casis’ extravaganza is in full swing and you won’t want to miss it, so everyone should mark their calendars for Friday, October 25.

Casis Weekly (9/30/24 - 10/4/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Our first Administrators’ Coffee Chat of this school year was very engaging. It was great for myself, Ms. Navickas, and Ms. Davis to dialogue with parents about how the year has been going so far, as well as share thoughts about various school topics. Well October is here and it’s ‘Casis Carnival Month’! The planning for our ‘Under the Sea’ extravaganza is in full swing and you won’t want to miss it, so everyone should mark their calendars for Friday, October 25. It will be epic!

Casis Weekly (9/23/24 - 9/27/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Fall has officially arrived and I know that we all can’t wait for cooler weather to arrive as well. We look forward to our first Administrators’ Coffee Chat of the school year this Friday. Both the School and PTA will continue planning school activities, like our ‘Fall Carnival’ and ‘Class Field Trips’, promising to make this school year one that will be full of fun and learning. Please see important information for the week below.

Casis Weekly (9/16/24 - 9/20/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! As we continue in the new school year, it’s hard to believe that we’re already entering the fifth week of school. Various school activities, like our ‘Fall Carnival’ and ‘Class Field Trips’ are currently being planned, promising to make this school year one that will be full of both fun and learning. Please see important information for the week below.