Campus News

Casis Weekly (9/3/23 - 9/6/23)

Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Here we are in our third week and our school systems are beginning to fall into place. That said, there is still much to learn, as we continue to move into this new school year.

Casis Weekly (8/26/24 - 8/30/24)

Cougar PRIDE Families, We had an amazing first week back at Casis! And it was wonderful to see all of our families at the Open House and PIM events that led up to the start of school. These events help to ensure that our school year gets off to a smooth beginning and it certainly has. Students, Staff, and Parents have all seemed so happy to be back and we look forward to continuing that same spirit and momentum.

Welcome Back from Mr. Tinnon!

Welcome back Cougar PRIDE Families! I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable summer and been able to spend quality time with family. I have definitely enjoyed the slower pace of the summer months and have also taken some time off to spend with family and exercise some self-care. We now approach another school year with new and exciting possibilities for learning.

Calendar of Events

Today, I commit to my education. I do so realizing that a lot is expected of me. I do so knowing that I will have to study and work hard. I do so wanting to avoid anyone and anything that will tempt me not to succeed. I do so in respect and honor of the History Makers who have paved a way for me.

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