Campus News
Casis Weekly (3/24/25 - 3/28/25)
Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! I hope that everyone enjoyed relaxing time with family over the break and are ready to ‘spring back’ into the rest of the school year. Prior to our week off, we enjoyed a lovely ‘Community Picnic’ full of music, a movie, and much family fun. This week is ‘AISD Pride Week’ and our next ‘Prospective Parent Tour’.Casis Weekly (3/10/25 - 3/14/25)
Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Last week’s ‘Class Picture Day’ went very well. This week, we’re looking forward to our Community Picnic, sponsored by our PTA, right on our school grounds. This year’s event will be a lot of fun for both kids and families.Casis Weekly (3/3/25 - 3/7/25)
Cougar PRIDE Families, It’s going to be another great week at Casis! Last week, our Prospective Parent Tour was well-attended and our last Administrators’ Coffee Chat was great. And we were thrilled to welcome ‘Raul the Third’ to Casis for our annual Author Visit Day. It was truly an exciting day of presentations, book-signings, and even a ‘Casis Times’ interview. And the luncheon with the staff was just so very special. Huge thanks goes to our Librarian, Courtney Ewing, and to our Parent Volunteers, who made this event so very memorable for us all.Calendar of Events
Prospective Parent Tour
Cougar Pride
A TEA Accountability Rating
Texas Honor Roll School
Spanish Foreign Language Experience
ELA Reading & Comparative Closing the Gap Distinction Designations
Comparative Academic Growth Distinction Designations
Postsecondary Readiness Distinction Designations
Science Distinction Designations
100% Social Emotional Learning
Mayor's Healthiest School
Today, I commit to my education. I do so realizing that a lot is expected of me. I do so knowing that I will have to study and work hard. I do so wanting to avoid anyone and anything that will tempt me not to succeed. I do so in respect and honor of the History Makers who have paved a way for me.